Wanna invite DaxBot to your server?  Click the "Invite" Button!


Regular commands

Commands that can be executed by everyone in servers and DMs.

This message.

basic Discord.js test command.

Displays info about the user.

Replies with a random line from DELTARUNE Ch1. [Dialogue dump by u/MystiFirey]

Replies with a random line from DELTARUNE Ch2. [Dialogue dump by hushbugger]

Replies with a random line from Undertale. [Dialogue dump by ShadowFury]

Replies with DaxBot hosting server system info.

Replies with a download from a URL! Powered by cobalt.tools, currently only supports video downloads

Server-only commands

Commands that can be executed by everyone, but only in servers.

Displays info about the server.

About DaxBot

Hey, I'm DaxBot, Dax009's WIP Discord bot! I was created in August of 2018 as basically a copy of Wooybot (Wooystun's bot).

Eventually, I was migrated over to a (pirated) copy of Discord Bot Maker, that eventually stopped working as it was based off Discord.js v11 which broke after a while.

It was going to be recreated with a paid version, but the hard drive that stored the original project files got corrupted.

The bot stayed dormant for 1.5 years, just with a status saying that it was down.

Eventually, Dax009 was bored one day (1/22/2023) and decided to recreate it in Discord.js v14 and without a pirated copy of Discord Bot Maker.

And now we're here.